
Five principles of highly effective teachers.

1. Believe in your students… every one of them! You must believe that every one of them can achieve good results.

2. You should make the students know that you believe in them, so that they also start to believe that they can achieve results.

3. Once you believe, you have to set ambitious, measurable and meaningful goal to your students.

4. Make sure that the goal you have given to the students becomes the everyday priority for them and their family.

5. Plan purposefully. From the objectives that you have defined, plan backwards to create an efficient path for success.

( This is the summary of TEDx talk by Pierre Pirard, who decided to become a teacher, after a high profile career as CEO. Working in Brussels’ most disadvantaged neighborhoods, he discovered that these children — usually portrayed as troublemakers — are able to rise above this negative image. He believes that these kids are the future of our society and that we should care for their education, no matter what their socio-cultural and economical background is.)

Quality Standards in Teaching

quality in education

Commonwealth Education Hub, ran a three weeks eDiscussion during May2016, on the topic “Quality Standards in Education”, in which 750 people from across 11 countries in the Commonwealth area participated and shared their views. The key summary points of the discussion are:

  • Quality in education has yet to be defined.
  • The relevance of education with each context must be understood.
  • Education has multiple purposes.
  • Education must prepare people “beyond the qualification”.
  • There needs to be a distinction between quality inputs, process and outputs.
  • Education must develop productive and participatory citizens.

You can read the full report at